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Learn how Production industry clients

benefit from our risk, compliance and incident management

software solution.

"It's great having our risk, compliance and incident information all in one centralised spot"


"Metro Mining has transformed its approach to managing its risk management information. Risks, compliance obligations, hazards and incidents are all easily accessible within one secure, centralised repository. A major benefit of having this information in one spot is the ability to link records that share common relationships and be better informed when decisions need to be made."

Production industry case study

Metro Mining is an Australian exploration and mining company with its flagship project being the Bauxite Hills Mine.

Production Risk Management Software Requirements


As an ASX listed company, Metro Mining required an integrated governance system (risk, compliance and incident) that was flexible enough to record, alert and report a broad range of corporate and site based risks, internal and external obligations, hazards and incidents.


The system needed to be intuitive, easy to setup, use and maintain. Having the ability to create your own reports was also an important factor.

Production Risk Management Software Solutions


The Compliance module delivered to Metro Mining is being used for contract management, in particular managing obligations in relation to licencing, environmental regulations and land rights under Native Title Acts. Results from site audits and assessments are easily fed into the Incident module while risks around market fluctuations, currency and the environment are managed within the Risk module.


Configuration and training services were also provided.


Production Risk Management Software Benefits


The system is sound evidence that Metro Mining has effecive risk management procedures in place, an important demonstration for any ASX listed company. Work flow notifications alert and remind staff about contractual obligations and deadlines which makes monitoring more efficient and complete. Risks that have been linked to contracts can be easily reported to management which provides a much more holistic view of contractual situations and outlook.

Production industry clients

Risk Wizard Clients: New Zealand Hops
Risk Wizard Clients: Perseus Mining
Risk Wizard Clients: Central Asia Metals PLC
Risk Wizard Clients: Metro Mining
Risk Wizard Clients: VicForests
Risk Wizard Clients: McNess
Risk Wizard Clients: ISIS Sugar
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