Would better incident reporting help your business?
Risk Wizard consistently delivers the right information at the right time to the right people. Its rich reports are clear and simple so that knowledge can be quickly acted upon.
The reports you need are at your fingertips with Risk Wizard.
Always informative. Always reliable. Always on time.
Our reports cover your time periods
"Wouldn't it be great if we could review all the incidents that happened across our business between 9:00am and 5:00pm on any given day?"
With Risk Wizard you can easily pinpoint the incidents that happened, were reported or investigated within precise date and time periods across different locations. The system retrieves and reports the information you need within seconds, freeing up your time to understand the situation and initiate further action as required.
Our reports identify your problem groups or areas
With Risk Wizard you can easily focus on the accident record of a particular group or category over a time period. You can quickly obtain accurate reports on accidents and incidents that occured for example, the previous year, month or week. This information provides a solid knowledge platform for you to build upon.
"Wouldn't it be great if we could review all the staff accidents or incidents that occurred last financial year?"
Our reports identify your underlying factors
With Risk Wizard you can record multiple causes for an incident and easily monitor and compare timings. This allows you to quickly correlate a particular contributing factor to a specific time of the day, for example, more accidents might occur later in the day when the floors are dirtier.
"Wouldn't it be great if we could track the causes and timing of incidents so that any data correlations become more obvious?"
Our reports enable your data comparison
With Risk Wizard you can easily compare the underlying incident record items between activities or operations. You can quickly spot differences and trends that enable conclusions to be drawn on the work environment and potential changes that you need to make.
"Wouldn't it be great if we could compare the incident type and rate for the same activities even when they are undertaken at different times or locations?"