Outgrown Excel? How to save time, effort and reduce stress.
Spreadsheets are useful for maintaining early stage risk or compliance registers, however over time they become unwieldy, lack functionality and security. Less time, effort, stress are just some of the rewards for upgrading to a proper platform.
When an organisation has to update spreadsheets regularly, it’s not long before ‘growing pains’ set in. Data exporting, importing, recalculations, expanding worksheets, reworking filters and file corruption all add to increased workloads and extra troubleshooting.
Perseverance with spreadsheets as a primary data storage and analysis tool for risk management can be costly and block paths to success. For example, data confidentiality is harder to maintain when there are multiple users accessing ranges of spreadsheets. Important updates to key information may not be acted upon promptly while errors can go easily unnoticed. Also, incorrect versioning of spreadsheets means ‘old data’ could be relied upon for future action.
Risk Wizard software is the ideal step up from spreadsheets. Quick to setup, secure and easy to learn means that people begin profiling risks and tracking compliance within a safe environment in no time. Excess time and effort spent previously on Excel is immediately freed up.
Our flexible, 'off-the-shelf' tool is designed to assess risks, monitor compliance and track action plans from any desktop or portable device. The tool enables users to easily tailor input forms, dashboards, reports and much more. For example, automatic alerts and reminders can be easily configured so notifications are always sent to ‘the right people at the right time’.
Transition to Risk Wizard is quick, easy and affordable ensuring a seamless upgrade. Here’s what a Risk Wizard client said about their experience:
“It is clear that Risk Wizard will achieve our objectives and will facilitate risk analysis in our key decision making processes... it will allow ease of reporting to management teams, committee and the board and will demonstrate how Waypoint’s risk profile evolves over time.”
Bill Weston, Chief Risk Officer, Waypoint Corporate Services
For organisations that have outgrown their risk management spreadsheets and are looking to upgrade to a proper information system, please get in touch and we’d be delighted to help you. Click here to request a FREE TRIAL or contact info@riskwizard.com