Hosting comparison
Cloud Hosting
Constant monitoring of Cloud environment to ensure infrastructure and software are always working properly and up to date.
System maintenance
Clients need to maintain and protect facilities and hardware as well as manage software installations/updates.
Users can access their data securely from anywhere with an Internet connection.
Remote access
Users must login via employer's network before they can access the system.
Data security & privacy
Clients need to maintain a robust IT environment that can meet security and privacy objectives around visbility, auditability, controllability and agility.
Local security-sensitive data centre and network architecture with data encryption, monitoring tools and stringent security training, policies and procedures.
Comprehensive storage, backup, archiving and retrieval process with data replication across 3 sites in same region.
Backup and disaster recovery
Clients need to perform backups, build data/system redundancy and regulary test DRP and BCP to a satisfactory standard.
Energy consumption and carbon emissions are reduced by more than 30%.
Environmental cost
Power, light and cooling for infrastructure increases energy usage.