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Leisure  sector incident reporting made simple.

Employees or patrons can quickly and easily report an accident, incident or near-miss.

simple . streamlined . secure

Who uses Risk Wizard ?

Risk Wizard Leisure Incident Management Clients: Maroondah City Council
Risk Wizard Leisure Incident Management Clients: Greater Dandenong
Risk Wizard Leisure Incident Management Clients: Tough Mudder
Risk Wizard Leisure  Incident Management Clients: Pegasus Leisure Group
Risk Wizard Leisure Incident Management Clients: Ararat Rural City

Solution snapshot

Our Leisure sector incident management software solution saves time, improves processes, protects private information and keeps operators better informed.

Saves time and enhances safety


Our incident management solution reduces administration time, frees up resources and enhances safety for employees and patrons through better visibility and transparency of incidents. 

Improves processes
and communication


Our system is a refreshing replacement for paper based processes.  It avoids unnecessary duplication of work, minimises potential points of failure, maximises legibility and clarity of communication.

Protects privacy and  increases oversight


Facility operators enjoy greater security and privacy of collected personal information and much better visibility and oversight of accidents, incidents and near-misses across multiple sites.


Why trust Risk Wizard ?

“Real-time advice on Council incidents at an affordable price”


“Risk Wizard’s real-time advice of major incidents has enabled me to proactively brief the Corporate Management Team, Mayor and Councillors in a timely manner.


The ability to have all council employees enter details into the system for a capped price ensures it is an affordable and ongoing solution for Council.”

Trevor Welsh

Director Operations Infrastructure & Leisure

Maroondah City Council

Leisure sector case study

The City of Maroondah is a municipality of 110,000 population, 5,000 organisations employing 27,000 people.

Risk Wizard Leisure Case Study: Requirements


An external audit identified and confirmed the inconsistencies in reporting processes between Leisure facilities.


The audit recommended that Maroondah City Council should consider implementing an online System for recording the OH&S and Risk incidents council wide.


Issues also needed to be reported to effectively monitor the OH&S and Risk issues and their respective corrective actions council wide.

Risk Wizard Leisure Case Study: Solutions


Our Risk Wizard Leisure sector incident management solution provided all the features, functionality and flexibility recommended by the external audit.


Our solution also provides a user-friendly layout that enables users in the dynamic leisure industry to quickly enter incident details directly into a secure cloud based system.


Risk Wizard Leisure Case Study: Benefits


Facility management and Council executive now have instantaneous notification of any incident.  Live reports can be created providing visibility of all incidents across the six facilities.


The improved workflow achieved by only entering data once has also resulted in time management efficiencies.


The affordability and flexibility of this product ensures Council has an ongoing solution for managing its OH&S and Risk incident related information.


Risk Wizard Leisure Clients: Maroondah City Council

“Simplifying incident workflow processes at the touch of a button”


“Instead of a laborious manual process, incidents are now entered via iPads or desktops then relayed automatically to facility management and signed off within agreed timeframes.  Daily summary reports emailed by the system are great while customised reports easily identify accident trends.”

Adam Sledge

Aquahub & Croydon Memorial Pool Operations Manager

Case study

Outcomes  from our Leisure sector solution

Great solution outcomes for Leisure operators, employees and patrons that improve the incident management process.

Executive updates

Council, executives and management are better informed with the right information at the right time.

Better visibility of incidents

Visibility of incidents across operations is enhanced.

Process efficiencies

From the outset, users experience ongoing process efficiencies resulting in time savings and reduced effort.

Daily incident reports

Management and supervisors are kept up to date through daily Incident summary reports to their email inbox.

Money saved

on internal IT costs

No internal IT costs as system is cloud hosted by Risk Wizard.

Financially sustainable

Ongoing financial sustainability is easily achieved as budgeted system costs are agreed to in advance.

Real-time sharing

Information is shared instantaneously between those recording incidents and those managing incidents.

Transparency of action management

Accountability and responsibility for action is more transparent.

Return on investment

Risk Wizard delivers a great return on investment as it is not only affordable but also excellent value for money.


Features of our Leisure sector system

Risk Wizard's purpose-built system features are perfectly aligned to the incident management needs of leisure operators, their employees and patrons.

Intuitive incident management layout

Intuitive layout

Intuitive layout and navigation.

Incident Notifications


Real-time automatic notifications.

Automatic Incident Management Software Updates & Backups


Automatic software updates and data backups.

Simple incident management language

Simple language

Unambiguous and simple terminology.

Incident reporting


Standard template and D.I.Y. reports.

Personalised Incident Management Dashboards


Personalised dashboards updated in ‘real-time’.

Mobile Incident Management Software


Mobile device capability.

Secure incident storage

Secure storage

Secure ‘cloud based’ storage in Australia.

Automatic daily incident summary report

Daily summary

Automatic incident summary report (daily).

Incident Management Software Upload


Image/data file upload.

Flexible Incident Management Software


Flexible ‘off-the-shelf’ product.

Self Manage Incident Software


Quick setup and easy to self-manage.


Leisurely benefits for energetic operators

Risk Wizard's incident management software returns benefits in saved time, money, effort as well as delivering process improvement and enhancing safety for Leisure operators, employees and patrons.


Cloud hosted incident management system

for Leisure sector

Risk Wizard offers 24/7 secure hosting, comprehensive backup and data storage in Australia.


Log incidents anytime, anyplace, anywhere

Employees or patrons can enter an incident quickly, easily and securely into our cloud based system anytime, anyplace, anywhere from any desktop computer, tablet or mobile phone.


incidents to management

Log incidents

as they happen

Monitor incidents while on duty

Copyright 2018 Risk Wizard Pty Ltd.  All rights reserved.

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